Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Walking. Alone.

2.4 miles - 53 minutes - All by myself
Bill and I have signed up to do a "Walk Across Oregon" challenge.  The challenge is to walk 395 miles (the length of Oregon) between January 15th and March 15th.  We're not going to make the full mileage because we started late, but if we get tee-shirts if we manage to make half the distance.  That means we'll have to walk/run 4 - 4.25 miles daily between now and March 15, 2016.  Even though the temperature was below 20 degrees, I started my journey today.  

It was quiet.  It was nice to have some quiet.  Studies have shown an average 4 year old asks about 300 questions a day. I relished the quiet. 
It was wonderful to come home and get kisses from the horses after having so much "alone time."  I'm fairly certain Rhulain and Wasabi were just checking me for treats, or ushering me towards the feed because their breakfast was late, but they each gave me some snuggle time!

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