Me: Rhu, you feel like a ride?
Rhu: *snuggles*
Me: Morgie, are you OK with me riding Rhu and Bill taking you out today?
Morgie: Sticks her tongue out at me, then grins.
Me: Guess that means she's fine.
Bill and Morgie led most of the time, which was just fine with Rhu and I. The temperature was rising so we kept to mostly flat routes and an easy pace. Blissfully, we had the area to ourselves.

Morgie did her usual "I don't want to stand in one spot" jigging, but Bill told her firmly to knock it off. She stopped moving her feet and brought her nose around to his leg to apologize. It was really adorable.
Morgie wanted to trot, so we let them have their heads for a bit. Rhu decided lope was her preferred speed, but she wouldn't transition to a trot or walk when asked. So, Bill had Morgie speed up for a count of five, then walk for a count of five. With Morgie ahead of us, Rhu had no choice but to slow down when asked. It turned out to be a great learning tool for Rhu.
After 2.5 miles, Rhu started to get tired and tried to head home. We lope/trot/walked for another 0.25 miles to reinforce the lesson then turned towards home. Rhu had one big spook when she saw a mattress so old it was just rusted springs off to the side of the road. We took the opportunity to walk around it on the left side, then turned and walked around it on the right side until it was a non-issue.
Rhu and Morgie were sweaty when we got home, so we groomed them and turned them out for a good roll in the soft sand. Both of them did really well today. Bill said though it had been two years since he last rode her, she remembered his style of riding and his cues and responded perfectly. Love that they respect each other so well.
As for Rhu, I'm still amazed we've only been riding together for four months. Sometimes it feels like we've been partners forever, then I remember she's still "green" when she doesn't transition. It's a wonderful experience being with her and establishing our communication pattern.
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