Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Dead Things In The Desert

30 minutes - 1.03 miles - Rhulain

The morning started out normal ... Ryver helping me groom and saddle while Rhulain ate her morning snack
The ride started out normal ... a slight mist burning off as the sun started to rise

And then this happened ...
Rhu started acting oddly.  I turned her towards the same wash we were in last Thursday, but she started breathing heavily.  We started trotting to move away from whatever it was that had her so upset.  

Over the next crest we saw something in the distance.  Rhu's legs deadlocked and I took these pictures to figure out what it was.  Looked like a calf or goat carcass.  

It's not unusual to have a mountain lion, bobcat, or coyote pack in the area so we hustled out of the wash.  A jackrabbit sprung out of the brush just as we started trotting and Rhu took a huge step to the side, but then continued on in a controlled manner.

Are you two sharing?   Mmmm hmmm

Once she slowed down I asked her to stop, then swung out of the saddle and reached out to her ... she dropped her head into my torso and let me rub her ears and neck.  When her breathing returned to normal I hopped back in the saddle and we headed home. 

I appreciated her warning signs, her willingness to listen, and her accepting the offer of comfort when the danger passed.  It was a great bonding moment ... we listened and trusted each other fully.  She's Amazing.

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