Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I'm Starting To Love Mornings

45 minutes - 2.07 miles - Rhulain
How the morning started out ...
Morgan free range feeding (she insisted she was inspecting the bottom of the buckets and to do so, she needed to dump them, which made a mess, so she had to clean it up by eating all the cubes) and Rhulain breakfasting by the tack shed. I groomed Rhu, put on the saddle pad, and announced that we were almost ready to go.  I went into the tack shed, came out with the saddle and saw Rhu heading towards the gate.  I called her name and she stopped walking and looked at me like "Well, hurry up!"  Apparently she WAS ready to go.  Funny girl!

We followed a wash, she snacked on dried grass, went around a sand dune, and then down into a much larger water run off.  She followed this path for about half a mile.  Then she decided to climb the side of the wash and we had an "iffy" moment.  A rock rolled under her left front hoof as we were climbing and she darted to the right.  On a steep cliff side, that will get your heart pounding. All was well though.

There was lots of rabbit holes once we got to the flat land, so we angled towards home.  We rocked out to music and generally had a good time.  As we crested the last sand dune she realized she could see home and called out ... just as "Rhinestone Cowboy" was blaring.  Her call was perfectly timed to the beat.  Nicely done Rhu.

We got home, untacked, groomed, and I let her wander.  Where did I find her? Right next to Morgan with her head in the feed trailer. Ha!

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