Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Morgie's Morning

26 minutes - 0.91 miles - Morgan

Morgan "helped" me fill feed buckets this morning.  She insisted she was helpful; I disagreed.  She said she was "breaking up cubes for the goat," which is actually helpful, so she might have won that discussion.

Noticed a bite mark on her back this morning.  I medicated it and put her in the large stall after our walk so no one can bug her for a few days.  That wound needs a chance to heal and she likes being in the stall because no one can shove her away from her food.
Have I mentioned that Morgie loves food?  
Could her neck stretch any further? Seriously.
 We ambled along peacefully until we heard talking behind us ... we turned to see 3 school kids walking to the bus stop. Morgie tucked her tail and picked up her pace.  I don't know why she doesn't like kids, but I don't push the issue.  We cut our walk short and headed home.

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