Saturday, September 26, 2015

Snakes in the Hen House, Mice in the Bathroom. Again.

In non-horse related news, the speckled hens laid their first (brown) eggs on September 20th!  It's such a delight to get a variety of eggs!

Heard the cats "talking" in the master bathroom and opened the door to find them batting a terrified field mouse between them.  I got a dustpan and the mouse hopped right in and stayed perfectly still as I carried him out of the house and let him go in the desert behind our yard.

Since I was up, I went to feed the chickens.  Tipped over their water bowl and a little snake slithered out.  I yelped.  Once I realized it was a gopher snake, I explained that it was welcome to stay as long as it ate mice.  30 minutes later, the hens were harassing the poor snake so much that I grabbed the dustpan and relocated the snake.  Rural living at it's finest. 

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