Monday, September 21, 2015

Back on track

20 minutes - 0.86 miles - Morgie
Back to our old routine ... Monday mornings with Morgie ... cheesy pictures and lots of me chatting and Morgie snacking.

Morgan carried this branch around for quite some time.  She was waiving it like a magic wand that would make more food appear.  When it failed to supply even one mouthful of extra food, she ate it.  Love her!

26 minutes - 0.87 miles - Rhulain
In true Rhulain fashion, she had to stop at the monorail and check out her profile.  She decided my hair needed work so she rearranged it and then posed again.
You're a funny girl Rhu!

I wondered if my horses missed me while we were away on vacation, so I asked Rhu.  She immediately came over for hugs and scritches.  Guess she missed me too!

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