Monday, September 7, 2015

So, Rhu and I got a New Saddle

33 minutes - 0.90 miles - Rhulain

Bill and I went to get Rhu's saddle fixed.  I had lost the slide for the stirrup way back in June and the replacement slides I had ordered didn't quite fit.  At the saddle shop, Bill found another Bona Allen saddle and I got excited. Then we realized the seat was too large for me, but would fit Bill perfectly. Sigh.

Bill pulled out a vintage Billy Cook saddle that was my seat size. I cringed at all the floral tooling. Once I sat in it, I started grinning ... it felt like sitting on a cloud.  The gullet size was perfect for Rhulain.

We bought it.
Rhulain was very tolerant while I adjusted stirrups, rode for a few minutes, hopped off and did more adjustments. After 3 or 4 tries, we finally got it set comfortably. Had Rhu trot and lope in the open desert so I could make sure the saddle worked for us both.  Her lope is marvelous!

When we got back, Rhu received four or five carrots as a thank you for being so understanding.  Can't wait to get in longer rides!

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