Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Full Moon and Scary Objects Discounted

50 minutes - 2.05 miles - Rhulain

The breakfast club ... Rhulain and Morgan snacking while I do chores.  No halters, no lead lines, no fuss.  Love my mares.

When Morgie heard the gate open, she came running to ask if she could come along.  I told her to go eat, I'd walk her later.  Rhu is doing her "neener neener" face because she's going for a walk.
Lots of calling out today.  Pause, look back, call out, I count to 5 out loud, then we moved forward.  I found in interesting that the moon was in everyone of Rhu's looking backwards photos.  After the first 10 minutes, she settled and we had a nice walk.  

I was playing music on my phone as we walked, and as soon as Phantom of the Opera came on, Rhu's head lowered, matched my pace (rather than sulking behind me), and she relaxed. Coincidence? Maybe she just has great taste in music.
Items that were scary on Sunday, were a total non-issue today.  That mattress? Pffft, not even worth a second look.  That ball of twine and chicken wire?  Sniff, push it around, and move on.
One relaxed Rhulain following me around the yard after she checked her reflection out in the monorail. 

Our longest walk yet.  I can't imagine a better way to watch the sun rise.

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