Sunday, April 3, 2016

Oh how I have missed my horses

73 minutes - 1.15 miles - Rhulain

Seven days without either of my horses caused seriously withdrawal.  I snuggled Morgie this morning and checked her head wound.  She was eating, but stopped to give me some snuggle time.  Love that girl.
I missed Rhu ... she flattened her ears at me when I fed her ... which means the feeling wasn't mutual.  Ah well.  It was windy when I went out in the afternoon. Rhu was unusually high strung, she spooked and pulled back when a shovel clanged against the tack shed.  

She stopped panicking rather quickly and though she allowed me to touch and rub her, she wouldn't relax.  I let her stand there for a bit to see how she would react to the pressure on her face.  I pulled a broom out of the tack shed and "shooed" her forward a step.  Once the pressure was off, she licked her lips and leaned her head into my torso.
We spent some time doing ground work, then we rode around the yard.  We did a mile, but we were not connected.  I couldn't sit the trot today, at all.  She shied from a plastic bag, and couldn't calm down.

I hopped down, walked beside her for a bit, then got back in the saddle.  I took a deep breath and released the tension in my shoulder blades, and we both seemed to calm a bit.  We walked two more laps around the yard.  She didn't want to approach the hitching post so I hopped off and walked her over.  We spent a few more minutes together, but she was too tense to enjoy the massage. Ah well.

More ground work. Definitely more ground work.

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