Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday Ride

51 minutes - 1.11 miles - Rhulain
8 minutes - 0.13 miles - Majesty
After church services, egg hunting at the house, and the community egg hunt at the park, I was in need of some horse time.  I saddled up Rhulain and we worked on our turns for a while.  Then we took a walk around the property and Rhu discovered the chickens.  You know, those noisy, smelly, flapping things that might eat horses.  They crowded the corner of their pen trying to get a better view and she gave them the stink eye from a safe distance.
Rhu looked longingly off property, but the winds were really picking up and I didn't want to ruin the nice jaunt we'd had by ducking trash being blown around from the neighbor's house.  So, we called it a day.  She looked rather indignant that the reins slid down her neck and landed behind her ears.  I laughed and then gave her a good grooming as a reward for being so patient today.
Majesty was in dire need of a shedding, so I pulled him out to give him some time.  A ran over and asked Bill if he could ride Majesty.  Bill consented, so I tacked him up and walked the two of them around the yard for a few minutes.  Majesty's age is definitely showing ... he is willing, but doesn't want to do more than a shambling walk.

I have to be in Texas for training this week, so it was nice to spend ample amounts of time with each horse.  Every horse got attention, hugs, and grooming, and I got plenty of snuggle time in return.

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