Monday, March 21, 2016

Damn Wind

25 minutes - 0.80 miles - Rhulain
The sky was fabulous ... the 25-35 mph gusts of wind were not.
I can't get a decent picture of Morgan's wound, but it's looking much better.  Another few days and I can let her out of the stall and back into the general population.  She likes not being run off at meal times, so I'm not sure she'll want to leave the big stall.
Daylight diminished rapidly and with gusty winds, I didn't figure we'd get much work done.  It was so windy I couldn't hold the camera steady.  
We went for a quick walk and got back before it was too dark. 
Rhu's definition of "too dark" was different than mine :)
She was her amazing self and stuck right with me unless asked to move ... I think the ground work is paying off!

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