Sunday, March 20, 2016

Night Work is Great!

60 minutes - 0.70 miles - Rhulain
Cleaned out Morgie's wound and then spent some time grooming her so she wouldn't feel neglected.  Spring definitely is here ... tons of hair!
Then it was time for ground work.  I set up a keyhole with cones and walked her through it a couple of times.  She seemed wholly unimpressed with the orange cones and tried to eat them, then kick them, then ignored them.  That's my Rhu!
We saddled up and did some gorgeous circles amid a myriad of distractions ... Namely, "A."  He was great at getting the carrots and feeding them to Rhu ...once she showed him where they were located.  Once the carrots were consumed A asked if he could ride Rhu.  I relented and gave him a quick ride. Rhu made it clear that she was done though ... it was dinner time ... so I untacked and she received a quick massage before putting her back in the turn out.
So happy with our progress!

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