Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Eye Injury & Night Work

61 minutes - 0.42 miles - Morgie & Rhulain

There's sunshine when I get home now ... only 15-20 minutes left, but just enough time to spend it with Morgan!  I grabbed a halter and ran outside, only to find Morgie had a cut above her left eye.  I removed her from the turn out and cleaned her forehead so I could get a better look.  Looks like a small gash that stops right before her eyelid.  WHEW!  

Cleaned off the dried blood and debris ... it must have been tender because she kept lifting her head away.  I put her in the large stall and will check it in the morning.  Wish I knew what happened, but I feel absolutely fortunate it didn't need stitches or injure her eye.

The sun had dropped below the mountains while I worked on Morgie's injury, so riding was out of the question.  I haltered Rhu and we did some ground work.  Then we worked on trailer loading for a while.  She wouldn't step in until there was some pressure on her face ... but then, the trailer was very dark.  Once I opened the "escape hatch" she stepped right in and stood still until I asked her to back out.  I was impressed with her effort.
Decided to do some trust building, so I saddled her up next to the trailer.  By now it was fully dark, Ryver kept running around her hind legs, and our foster boy was stomping around the yard in his shoes that light up.  Rhu looked worried.  

I tossed on the treeless and the bitless, while giving her lots of rubs and praise.  Two trips down the driveway, then circles on each side, and back to the step stool.  

I dismounted, rubbed her and stepped back in the saddle, flexed her neck to both sides, sat for a bit, then repeated the process three times.  I just wanted to sit in the saddle and breathe with her, no pressure, no work, nothing but being right there in the moment, together.

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