Thursday, March 17, 2016

Dreamy. Simply Dreamy.

65 minutes - 1.34 miles - Rhulain
Cleaned Morgan's eye wound and the applied the medicine.  I was only able to take a blurry picture because she didn't want to hold still ... she wanted to eat and I was bugging her, obviously.
Rhulain and I went for a half mile walk to check where her brain was.  She was right there with me, which was fabulous.
We headed back to the yard and did some ground work and trailer loading in the fading light.  She was solidly locked on.  I saddled her up and we rode around the yard in the pitch black dark.
We nailed our circles and transitions ... it was almost magical.  She and I were teaching and listening to each other. I made note of what cue worked and when, then repeated it twice to ensure I got the same response ... then used it on the other side.  YES!  
We got beautiful, even circles on both sides and lovely downward transitions by melding the way she was trained and the way I ride. 
We came to a dead stop by me thinking it, then breathing out loudly, and sitting deeply.
*dreamy sigh*


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