Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Finally ... horse time

27 minutes - 1.06 miles - Morgan
26 minutes - 1.07 miles - Rhulain & A
Me: Hey Morgan, how do you like your new stall nameplate?
Morgie: What?! It says Morgan?
Morgie was sulking as we were leaving. It was dinner time after all.  She perked up after a few mid-walk snacks.  She was spunky on our way back home.
She missed him more than me, for sure. She sniffed him, nuzzled him, and snuggled him. With me, she begged for food.
I told Rhulain to smile for the camera and she put her head on top of mine.  I laughed out loud.  
Rhu does NOT like A.  He asked if he could join us for our walk and she kept giving him the stink eye.
After half a mile, she settled down and became my cuddly Rhu-barb.  She was still aware of A, but was more focused on getting snuggles from me which was a nice change.

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