Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Riding Rhulain (again)

27 minutes - 1.07 miles - Rhulain

Rhu and I had a bit of trouble putting on her headstall today.  When she realized it wasn't a halter, her head lifted in an act of resistance.  I flipped the cotton lead line over her poll and she lowered her head.  I slipped the bitless over her muzzle, laughing as I noticed her lips pinched so tightly together they should have turned white from the effort.

Then she realized there was no bit and her whole body softened.  She brought her muzzle over for snuggles ... maybe her way of apologizing.  
Morgan was clearly upset; she wanted to go for a walk this morning and I bypassed her for Rhulain.  Guess I'll be getting two walks in today.

Saddled Rhu up using Morgan's saddle and blanket ... it looks odd on Rhu.  We walked our normal .5 mile, let her snack for 2 minutes, and then I tightened the girth and hopped in the saddle.  

She carried me home at a delightful speed and only had three moments where she saw something which made her flinch.  Never felt a bit uncomfortable ... hard to believe we've only been together only 90 days.
I was able to open the gate while still in the saddle ... closing it was a bit more difficult.  She swung her nose about just as the gate was closing and it bonked her slightly.  The gate wasn't latching and she was getting cranky (it WAS breakfast time after all), so I hopped off and closed it.

Swung back into the saddle and asked her to trot to the tack shed.  Took a few cues to figure out how to get her to trot, but she did wonderfully and stopped appropriately.  More saddle time is definitely in order!

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