Friday, August 21, 2015


28 minutes - 0.91 miles - Rhulain

Poor Rhulain, this is what she has to contend with while I saddle her in the mornings.  There is always chaos going on behind her, yet she blithely ignores it in favor of breakfast.

Did a little something different today ... hopped in the saddle as soon as we shut the gate.  I hopped off twice and walked beside her for a few minutes before climbing back in the saddle.  Wanted to see how she would do with mounting in the "wilds" with items found in the area ... might be a large rock, a dirt mound, or a fallen log.  She did rather well!

Having fun Rhu?         Nom, nom, nom, yes!

After drifting through the open desert, we practiced trotting/stopping in the yard.  Needs a bit of work; looks like we need a cue that works for both of us.  Then I introduced her to the feed trailer ... she loved it!

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