Saturday, August 8, 2015

Rhulain Likes Music!

29 minutes - 1.08 miles - Rhulain

Lips (the goat) and Ryver (the dobie) were playing tag and generally being annoying.  They kept bumping into me as I was trying to saddle Rhu.

These two insisted on walking Rhu and I to the gate and I think they would have joined us on the walk if I hadn't chased them away.  Sigh.

Discovered a secret about Rhulain today ... she likes music!  Her attention kept getting drawn away from me towards a neighbors' house where they were playing music.  So, I turned on the music player on my phone, dropped it in the saddle bags and she walked along merrily with the beats.

I rode her home through the open desert because that was the path she chose.  She's such an uncomplicated mare!

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