Sunday, August 9, 2015

Our First Evening Excursion

29 minutes - 0.91 miles - Rhulain

It seemed light when we left ... but a scant 30 minutes makes all the difference in the desert.  The 2nd picture was taken in front of the tack shed after our walk and looks far more sinister than the 1st picture taken in the same area.

The treeless saddle made an appearance today.  I got tired of using Morgan's saddle on Rhu ... it just doesn't fit right and until I can get a replacement slide to hold my stirrup in place I'll use the treeless.

We didn't make it to our normal spot, because it was getting too dark.  I walked beside her for three quarters of the way home then hopped in the saddle.  She handled it with grace ... not hurrying, just steady and straight to the gate.  I didn't take pictures with the flash because we hadn't tried that yet. 

Caught the last bit of the sun's rays in our reflection of the monorail ... and Rhu's ear, of course.  Love Morgan ears ... they're so perfect!

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