Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Rhu was so Amazing that I almost called in sick today

45 minutes - 2.02 miles - Rhulain


Morgan and Rhulain wandered around the yard this morning while I did chores.  Morgie shared her snack with Rhu with only minor tail swishing, which was very polite.  Love these mares!
Then Rhu and I headed out. We wandered through areas I hadn't seen yet, even though I've been riding here for four years.  Rhu was in charge of speed and direction, while I was in charge of watching for rabbit/snake/turtle holes and steering around them.

Occasionally I would call out "Oh look ... food" which was Rhu's cue to stop and snack. Worked out marvelously.  We were a mile away from the house when I asked Rhu to turn back and head home.

She made it clear that she wasn't ready to turn back.  I'd point her towards home and she'd head that way for a few steps, then angle back towards the open desert.  I checked my cell to see if I could call in sick today and let Rhu continue on her merry way, but I couldn't make a call.

Regretfully, we ambled home.  The weather was perfect: 78 degrees with slight sprinkles.  I'll admit it, I shed a few tears of joy today.  She was absolutely amazing.  

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