Thursday, August 27, 2015

A Bit of Ground Work

28 minutes - 0.60 miles - Rhulain
Oh Rhu, you're so adorable, from any angle!

We worked on standing still until asked to move today.  Had to try it three times before she would stand still for me to get completely in the saddle.  My fault, I didn't have her either step back or flex her neck once I got in the saddle the last few times. Quick fix and we were off!

We only walked half way around the block ... lots of calling out today.  Probably because the herd could see her and Majesty was whining about not being fed yet.  She still listened well to my instructions, so I didn't chide her for calling back.

I had let Morgan out to wander around the yard while Rhu and I worked.  Morgan decided our lesson was over and she led us to the feed buckets. She wanted breakfast. Now.

When we got home we worked on stopping from a walk and a trot.  If she didn't stop within 3 steps she had to go back a few steps or trot in a circle until I asked her to whoa.  

I was thinking about competing in a local ACTHA ride on Sept. 5th and wanted to make sure she'd stop when requested.  Lots of ear pinning today, but she tried really hard.  I know she's not fond of the lessons ... she'd much rather be out exploring.  Me too Rhu, me too.

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