Sunday, September 21, 2014

Blazing New Trails

Sunday, September 21st  30 minute ride  90° 

Tried to add a different dimension to our ride today.  I had bells on a leather strap so I attached it to her neck and we moved around a bit to get her used to the sound. Once she figured out that she made the noise, she seemed to have fun moving different parts of her body to the jingle. Too cute!

We headed down the trail, just jingling away

Most of our normal trails had been washed out, so we spent quite a bit of time searching for ways to get through the sand dunes.  We looked for other prints to see if the path ahead was safe, but we didn't much other than jackrabbit prints.

This used to be a sand dune we would climb down ... now it's been washed away and it drops off a mere three feet from where we stopped.

Morg and I lost the trail again, but we found some quad tracks off to the left so we decided to investigate ... 

The tracks lead us right to this drop off.  The far left "bank" is where Morgan had a hissy fit last month.  Now we can't get there because the area has been completely washed away.

Batteries gave out shortly after this, but we made it home safe.  Once we were on the property, I took off Morgan's headstall and we tried riding around with just leg aids.  It's exhilarating!  We need to work on stopping, but otherwise she did fabulous.

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