Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Trailer Loading Trials With Wasabi, Part 2

Tuesday, September 16th  30 minute groundwork  92° 
Trailer Loading with Wasabi

Morgan just figured out she got left behind ... Sundance offered comfort

I figured I'd spend a more time with Wasabi on trailer loading.  Morgan had been napping when I went in to collect Wasabi.  When she saw Wasabi and I on the other side of the fence, she started scolding me ... she was whinnying, nickering, and running the fence line for 10 minutes before she settled down.

Wasabi and I went right to the trailer and did basic groundwork for a few minutes before I asked her to load.  She initially refused, so she got to do a few more figure 8s before she got to rest.  She stepped right in the trailer the next time I offered her the chance.  I got most of her body and three hooves in the trailer, but just couldn't figure out how to get that last hoof and rump in consistently.  At least we had no more refusals.  She was standing in the trailer when Bill got home, so I opened the "escape" door and let her get muzzle snuggles from him before putting her away for the evening.

It occurred to me later on that I "send" her horizontally from the trailer door and she does just fine. Perhaps I could try "sending" her vertically and see if that will encourage the forward momentum needed to get her whole body in the trailer.
Great fluffy clouds and beautiful colors tonight

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