Monday, September 8, 2014

Mud. Everywhere.

Monday, September 8, 2014
Flash Flood Warning, Day 2

The drive home ... streets were flooded.
Check out the parent picking his kids up from the school bus - look how high that water has risen up his legs. 
Oh by the way, he's standing on our side of the road. We drove on the opposite lane. Fun fun fun!

This is the street we live on ... Morgan and I were playing in puddles right here just yesterday!  Now the road has a 3 foot drop.  
The County does not maintain our streets, that's left up to the property owners. Unfortunately, this "divot" is next to blank land. I'm sure it's owned, but they're not going to fix a road they don't have to drive on. It will be up to the 6 of us that have to use this to get to the paved road.

This is what we had to look forward to when we arrived home ... flooded stalls, mucky puddles, and gaping holes 

We're lucky the corral fencing didn't tip over because of the sand washing away ... that's a  6" to 8" drop

Luppy went out exploring and had some huge gaps to overcome.  She's about 35 pounds and some of those crevasses were large enough to swallow her whole

Luppy and I were out working in the muck
All that's missing was a Morgan hoof print!

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