Rode with Bill & Majesty and Glen & Pumpkin
Our insurance agent needed us to sign some paperwork and said he would drive out to our little town. So naturally, we invited him to join us for a horse ride. We drove to the other side of our valley (a mere 11 miles away) and experienced a vastly different landscape.
Morgan: What is this green stuff?
Me: Grass Morgie. Give it a try.
Morgan: Nom, nom, nom, nom
Morgan spent most of the trail ride tasting the local vegetation ... but she always asked permission before snacking and never stopped moving unless I asked.
I spent most of my time listening to my iPod and dancing in the saddle. That takes some serious concentration and talent.

Morgan and I lead the way most of the time and I'm glad to report I only lost the trail once (maybe twice). I did not admit this to the two guys following us ... what they don't know won't hurt them. Besides, they were too busy chatting to notice me forging a new trail.
Tried riding Morg with no reins for most of the ride. She did exceptionally well. I only picked up the reins three times and for less than a minute each time. She responded to all leg cues and a gentle push on the side of her neck if I needed her to adjust her position.
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