Sunday, September 7, 2014

Rain, Rain, and More Rain

Sunday, September 7th  30 minute ride  75° 
Rode with Bill & Majest

Somebody had fun in the rain ... looks like our grooming session is going to take longer than usual

Always such brilliant sunsets after a downpour

Wait .. what's that reflective surface up there?  Could it be?

PUDDLES! Hurry up Morgan, let's go play in them!

Morgan: How about I walk next to it? I'll get really close, promise!
Me: No deal Morgie. You need to walk through the middle.

Morgan: This is not what I thought our evening ride was going to include. You're lucky I like you.

Me: I love you too Morgie!

The water was so murky it is hard to tell that she's walking (grudgingly) through a large puddle. What she doesn't know is it is expected to rain for two more days!

  We'll be mud-licious and puddle-tastic by the time this week is done :)

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