Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Majesty takes me for a whirl

30 minutes - 0.90 miles - Majesty
Got home and asked Majesty if he wanted to go for a ride.  He was slower than slow all the way to the mounting block.  He lowered his head, took a deep breath, and stood so still I thought he'd fallen asleep.  He was absolutely delightful.
We faced down dangerous discarded bumpers, stepped over the fallen log, and then we worked on opening and closing the front gate from the saddle.  Maj has never liked doing that, but with some patience we were able to work through it.  I untacked him and put him in a stall so he could eat dinner in peace and quiet.  I turned around to see Rhulain staring at me.  I gave her some snuggles and headed in feeling fantastic.

Wasabi had her cranky pants on

26 minutes - 0.72 miles - Wasabi
I realized Wasabi hasn't been on a walk since last month, so I decided to take her this morning.  She was cranky.  Ears pinned, clenched jaw, and circling.  

After 20 minutes, she loosed up and walked quietly. Obviously, she needs more time off property.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Morgie's Turn!

30 minutes - 1.2 miles - Morgan
 Morgan wasn't sure she wanted to go for a walk this morning, because breakfast was being served.  Once she saw me tuck cubes in my pocket she was ready to go.
The clouds were interesting and the colors were vibrant.  It was great spending time with her and watching the sun come up.  Seriously loving the fall.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Rhu, day 2

23 minutes - 1.10 miles - Rhulain
Look who met me at the gate, begging for some one on one time!  We took a stroll before she got breakfast and a massage for the effort.  I am so loving the fact the mornings are light enough for a walk and cool enough for walking/riding.
Can't wait for our fall adventures!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Rhu and Foster Kid; Rhu and Bill; Rhu and Me

25 minutes - 0.93 miles - Rhulain
Rhulain went for a walk and entertained the whole family.  She encouraged the foster kid, then took Bill for a nice stroll, and then took me for a bareback ride through the yard.
All in all, a good day with a great family and awesome horse.

Sunday, August 21, 2016


32 minutes - 1.60 miles - Morgan
31 minutes - 1.01 miles - Rhulain
 We were in town all day yesterday, and had plans to be in town all day today. I was afraid I wouldn't get horse time, so I got up early to feed everyone.  Bill watched the kid while I grabbed Morgan and went for a quick ride.  I directed her for the first 10 minutes, then let her pick the path and speed the rest of the trip.  She is so refreshing to be around ... Simply soothes my soul.
We managed to make it home with the sun starting to dip below the mountains.  I grabbed Rhu and took a "quick" walk.  She was very nervous (neighbor's dogs were out and running amok), kept stopping, and couldn't get her brain together.  I gave up after 20 minutes and took a short cut home.  I enjoyed being with her, it was just more work that I had anticipated it would have been. 

The rest of the week is going to be pure chaos, so I'm not sure I'll get any exercise/horse time.  It's Bill's birthday on Monday, the foster kid's birthday on Wednesday, and a birthday party for the kid on Saturday.  I'll grab horsie kisses where I can :)

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Lesson Horse?

23 minutes - 1.05 miles - Morgan & Foster
Who knew Morgan would turn out to be a lesson horse?  Gone are the days of me swearing no one else would ever ride her, and I only partially curse under my breath when she gives the kid a ride.

It seemed like the right time to pop him in the saddle and take him for a walk off property. I attached reins to her halter just so he would get used to holding them rather than the horn.  Showed him how to mount properly, and off we went.

We went up and down some mild washes so he could learn to balance as she stepped up or down, she stepped lightly over the fallen log, and he learned how to get her to back up using the "reins." 

Morgan was really well behaved, and only slightly mugged me for the carrots she knew where hidden in my front pocket.  Good girl Morgie.  

As we approached the gate, I looped the lead rope over the saddle horn and let the two of them walk "alone."  He thought he was big stuff and she was a model of good behavior.

Oh how I love this horse!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

I Love the Smell of Morgans in the Evening

36 minutes - 0.85 miles - Rhulain
Had such a good time last night, I decided to do it again!  First, some grooming, then some groundwork, a bit of trailer loading, then let her snack while I tacked up.
 Three quick laps around the yard and then I was going to call it quits and let her eat dinner. On the last lap, she picked up speed and we loped right past the hitching post.  We zoomed by the turn out, then made a quick turn only to find the ground had been washed out.  She slammed on the brakes and we avoided any catastrophes.  Gotta love self preservation!  We turned back the other direction, hopped over the fallen log, and then untacked.

Five days in a row I've been able to spend with my horses ... I feel like the luckiest woman alive!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Ride Interrupted

33 minutes - 0.65 miles - Rhulain
 I only had a half hour before the kid's bath time, so I decided to do some ground work with Rhulain.  We breezed through the regular warm up, loaded in the trailer three times with no issues, and she was locked on to my every step.  I knew what that meant ...
Time to saddle up!  We did three quick laps around the yard before my timer went off.  Neither of us was done ... every time I guided her to the hitching post, Rhulain would veer off to the side and speed up.  
I know Rhu, me too.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Walking In Shorts ... Is that Allowed?

34 minutes - 1.35 miles - Morgan
 Not sure this is appropriate "take your horse for a walk" wear, but what the heck. I had on my Harry Potter socks, so it was bound to be a magical walk.  Dang my legs are white.
We started out headed for the 1.5 mile loop that I like to do with Rhulain, but then Morgan and I took a detour.  We found ourselves in an area I'm pretty sure I'd never been to before.  No worries, we walked between the bushes and came upon a sand dune I recognized about 15 minutes later.  Pleasant walk with my bay blessing.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Quads. *rolls eyes*

35 minutes - 1.60 miles - Rhulain
 I had 30 minutes before the kid's bedtime, so fixed dinner and handed him off to Bill.  I grabbed Rhulain's halter and headed out for our favorite 1.5 mile path.  There were quads running amok on the street, and I hoped they wouldn't go down our path.  I seriously contemplated putting up a sign letting them know we are on that path and please be cautious.
10 minutes into our walk, I heard the quads running around the sand dunes we had just passed.  We waited a few minutes to see if they would follow the wash we were on, but they crossed over to the next sand dunes.  While we were waiting, Rhu and I practiced our selfies ... she keeps trying to take the picture herself, or shove me out of the way.  Ah well, it's a work in progress.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Evening Ride

27 minutes - 1.52 miles - Morgan
Bill offered to put the kid to bed if I wanted to sneak in a ride.  I was out the door like buckshot.  Once tacked up, Morgan seemed eager to go as well ... she followed me to the gate without a lead.  We selected a trail and off we went into the deepening twilight.  
Had her pick up the pace a few times because we were losing the light, but we knew the path and weren't worried about uneven footing.  Made it home filled with warmth and smiles.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Melt With You

43 minutes - 2.11 miles - Rhulain
It rained last night, so it was a beautiful 75 degrees this morning at 5:30 am.  I love being the first one to put prints in the sand ... and even more so when there are hoof prints next to mine.  Perfect time to take Rhu for a walk!  

She was filthy, she was funny, and she was fabulous today.  I had the music player going, and her head bobbed along to "I Melt With You" by Modern English.  So, that officially becomes her song ... good taste.  

I'll stop the world and melt with you
You've seen the difference
And it's getting better all the time
There's nothing you and I won't do
I'll stop the world and melt with you
The future's open wide

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Rhu on Tue

28 minutes - 1.42 miles - Rhulain
Had such a great time with Morgan last night, that I couldn't wait to squeeze in a walk before work today.  Set my alarm extra early (Ugh) and ran outside to grab Rhulain.  She thought there would be more snacking involved, but she didn't seem overly disappointed at the lack of cubes in my pockets.

She was on alert because of a bag that was stuck on a mesquite tree branch.  It wasn't moving and I told her how embarrassing it was to have such a sissy pants with me.  She hung her head, pouted a bit, and kept moving.  For about 8 steps, whereupon she promptly checked to make sure it hadn't creeped closer.  Silly mare.  

Monday, August 1, 2016

Mondays With Morgan (again!!)

25 minutes - 1.16 miles - Morgan
Weather was low 90s so it seemed like time for a walk ... I ran outside and Morgan was already at the gate.  That mare can read my mind.  We strolled down the street, stopping to snack here and there.  I was running out of time and my knee still hurts, so I asked Morgan if she would mind carrying me. 

 There's no one I trust more in the deepening shadows to carry me.  
 With just a halter and a lead rope.

I love this horse to the moon and back.