Sunday, August 21, 2016


32 minutes - 1.60 miles - Morgan
31 minutes - 1.01 miles - Rhulain
 We were in town all day yesterday, and had plans to be in town all day today. I was afraid I wouldn't get horse time, so I got up early to feed everyone.  Bill watched the kid while I grabbed Morgan and went for a quick ride.  I directed her for the first 10 minutes, then let her pick the path and speed the rest of the trip.  She is so refreshing to be around ... Simply soothes my soul.
We managed to make it home with the sun starting to dip below the mountains.  I grabbed Rhu and took a "quick" walk.  She was very nervous (neighbor's dogs were out and running amok), kept stopping, and couldn't get her brain together.  I gave up after 20 minutes and took a short cut home.  I enjoyed being with her, it was just more work that I had anticipated it would have been. 

The rest of the week is going to be pure chaos, so I'm not sure I'll get any exercise/horse time.  It's Bill's birthday on Monday, the foster kid's birthday on Wednesday, and a birthday party for the kid on Saturday.  I'll grab horsie kisses where I can :)

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