Wednesday, August 10, 2016

I Love the Smell of Morgans in the Evening

36 minutes - 0.85 miles - Rhulain
Had such a good time last night, I decided to do it again!  First, some grooming, then some groundwork, a bit of trailer loading, then let her snack while I tacked up.
 Three quick laps around the yard and then I was going to call it quits and let her eat dinner. On the last lap, she picked up speed and we loped right past the hitching post.  We zoomed by the turn out, then made a quick turn only to find the ground had been washed out.  She slammed on the brakes and we avoided any catastrophes.  Gotta love self preservation!  We turned back the other direction, hopped over the fallen log, and then untacked.

Five days in a row I've been able to spend with my horses ... I feel like the luckiest woman alive!

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