Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Rhu on Tue

28 minutes - 1.42 miles - Rhulain
Had such a great time with Morgan last night, that I couldn't wait to squeeze in a walk before work today.  Set my alarm extra early (Ugh) and ran outside to grab Rhulain.  She thought there would be more snacking involved, but she didn't seem overly disappointed at the lack of cubes in my pockets.

She was on alert because of a bag that was stuck on a mesquite tree branch.  It wasn't moving and I told her how embarrassing it was to have such a sissy pants with me.  She hung her head, pouted a bit, and kept moving.  For about 8 steps, whereupon she promptly checked to make sure it hadn't creeped closer.  Silly mare.  

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