Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Solo Time

73 minutes - 3.61 miles - Rhulain
Rhulain and I got some much needed alone time.  The goal was to walk three miles in an hour.  She drug along behind me for the first mile, but visibly perked up for the second mile.
I thought we had slowed down for the third mile, but turns out it was our fastest time yet ... even with a stop to take a picture in the fading sun.  We were having such a nice time that I extended our walk a bit, slowed down the pace, and we sauntered on home.  Great day with a great horse!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Exploring New Dunes

67 minutes - 2.52 miles - Rhulain

Our foster child joined us for the walk today ... and Rhu didn't seem to care.  She sniffed him a few times then basically ignored him.
 We were way off our normal course, back in the sand dunes where I hadn't been for over a year.  Fortunately, we didn't get lost, didn't see any snakes, and made it home before it was too dark.  I was impressed with our speed and Rhu's calmness in the new area.

Good day all around!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Fly Mask Season is Officially Here

Bath: Majesty & Rhulain
15 minutes - 0.25 miles - Rhulain
28 minutes - 1.05 miles - Morgan
First up for a bath was Majesty.  He spent the entire grooming and bathing session with his head in the snack bucket.  Sometimes I envy Bill ... Majesty is completely unflappable and sedate.  Bill says he's too old to give a crap about anything anymore.  He did turn 33 this year.

 Next up was Rhulain.  She runs away every time the hose is turned on or moved, so I was curious how she would react.  She wasn't calm ... nostrils flaring the whole time ... but we took it slow and she held still with reassurance.
It's officially fly mask season.  Sigh.  I kissed her pretty face before it disappeared behind the mask where it will hide for the next four months.  Then I took her for a quick walk to make sure she was dry before turning her out.  
There was still some time left before I needed to start dinner, so I grabbed a ride on Morgan.  She snacked, walked, and snacked some more.  Once we turned towards home, she started to trot so I asked for more speed and she obliged.  

I groomed and put fly masks/fly spray on everyone.  Then we moved Majesty and Morgan into the mare motel.  They seemed unimpressed by the new surroundings.  Perhaps they'll appreciate it when the rain starts back up. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Nice long walk with my buddies

56 minutes - 2.26 miles - Rhulain
 Today the goal was to walk 2.25 miles in an hour and add some light dune work.  Our foster child decided to join us and kept up pretty well.  He and Rhu liked climbing the dunes, me not so much (knee hurting). 
This was may favorite picture from the whole walk.  They were both adorable today!

Next goal, 2.5 miles in an hour ... totally achievable.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


19 minutes - 0.68 miles - Morgan
18 minutes - 0.72 miles - Rhulain
Morgan, the foster child, and I took a walk this evening to the end of the street.  On the way back to the house, I thought about riding Morgan for the quarter mile home.  But, I only had a halter and a lead rope, and I'd never ridden bareback off our property ... do I dare?
I did!
I clambered up a dirt embankment and lined her up.  As I started to slide across her back, the dirt caved, and I smacked my lip with my phone (I'll have a fat lip for sure).  She was an absolute dream.  She kept a beautiful, even walk.  It was so dreamy that we extended our walk beyond the gate.  Absolutely magical ... thank you Morgie!
Still glowing, I asked Rhulain if she wanted to go for a walk.  She left her food willingly and joined me for a walk, even though the sun had set and the darkness was deepening.  We crossed the street with no trepidation, faced down oncoming traffic, and sauntered home.

Even though my horses were filthy from rolling in the rain, I couldn't imagine a more perfect experience!

Monday, May 16, 2016

A Family Walk

65 minutes - 2.30 miles - Rhulain
1.0 mile - Wasabi & Bill
1.0 mile - Majesty & Bill
I talked Bill into joining us for our evening walk. He grabbed Wasabi, our foster child, and headed toward the gate.  Rhu was excited to have company ... she even tolerated the child's presence.
After a mile, we returned home and Bill headed inside the gate.  Rhu, the child, and I continued walking for an additional mile.  We did some mild dune work to stretch our legs and to allow the child to run amok.
On our way back home I saw some foot prints that looked like Bill and a horse.  I figured he tried to find us, but as we had gone off the beaten path he went home.  Later we saw Majesty down the road.  Our foster child ran ahead to join Bill while Rhu and I worked a little in the open desert before following them home.  
Much to my surprise, Bill had placed the child on Majesty's back ... wait, what?  No one gets to ride Majesty!!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Much Needed Morgie Time

37 minutes - 1.80 miles - Morgan

Bill and our foster child decided to watch a John Wayne movie ... I escaped as fast as possible and ran outside with a halter and leadrope in hand.  Rhu took one look and walked away, but Morgan came right up and stuck her nose in the halter.  Well okay Morgie girl, let's go!
We had no particular destination, and with 45 minutes until the sun set, we wandered.  I turned on the music and sang out loud.  She set the pace and I guided our course.  We trotted for a while, but mostly we just walked in companionable silence.

Sometimes you don't realize how much you need alone time until you actually get some.  All the tension melted out of my shoulders in the first five minutes.  Every time I get a chance to spend time with Morgan it reminds me how awesome she is and how utterly grateful I am to have her in my life.

First Lesson

We signed our foster child up for horse riding lessons and he had his first one this morning before church.  He got to select any horse in the stable and chose a large sorrel gelding named Winder.  He learned how to put on the halter, lead a horse, how to be safe around horses, grooming, and then got to spend a few minutes riding bareback with his eyes closed.
He spent most of the first 10 minutes looking to us for reassurance and wasn't listening to the instructor.  So, Bill and I left and had breakfast at the local restaurant ... the first time we got to eat a meal together alone in four months.  It was delightful!

His instructor said he did well, gave us some homework assignments, and had him thank the horse before leaving.  I like an instructor that appreciates their horse :)  

He will be taking lessons every Sunday, and Bill and I are contemplating taking our horses to the next lesson.  That way we can squeeze in a ride together for the first time since New Year's Day!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Walking In The Dark

32 minutes - 1.01 miles - Rhulain
It was dark already, but I figured I could still squeeze in a quick mile ... and it would be good for trust building.  I let Rhu grab a snack while I gave her a cursory grooming.
 Then we were headed out the gate and down the road.  Rhu was quite amenable, even though I didn't have any snacks tucked in my pockets.
We kept to the "normal" path because I knew the footing and was relatively sure there would be no snakes on the road.  All in all, it was an uneventful walk with my awesome mare.  Love that I can drag her out in the darkness and she doesn't give me any guff!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mud can be fun!

57 minutes - 1.09 miles - Rhulain
We got home late, but enough time for a quick ride.  I let Morgan out of the turn out to feed herself, gave the foster child a bucket and explained the concept of playing with mud, and saddled up Rhulain.  We only rode around the yard, but we got a mile in while the foster child made mounds out of mud and set up cones for us to walk through.  He had a good time playing in mud, I got to work Rhu through some interesting footing, and Morgan got to eat in peace.  All around great evening!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Three Days In A Row!

36 minutes - 0.96 miles - Morgan
63 minutes - 1.17 miles - Rhulain
 Our foster child joined Morgan and I for a walk today.  She was completely focused on him ... she couldn't get close enough.  If he stopped cycling, she would nudge him.  I'm both jealous and glad she cares so much about him.
Rhulain and I went for our own walk after I dropped them off.  Rhu's bangs were in her eyes, so I gave it a quick braid and we headed out for a walk.  She was so fabulous, that I couldn't resist riding her back home.

Wonderful day!

Sunday, May 8, 2016


33 minutes - 1.55 miles - Morgan
I'm so grateful when I can get time to myself ...even more so when I can spend that time with my horse ... but the best time ever spent is with Morgan.  I love this horse; absolute love.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Perfect Way to Start May

11 minutes - 0.30 miles - Rhulain
31 minutes - 1.06 miles - Morgan
 Rhu and I took a quick walk today ... I just wanted to spend some cuddle time.  She was funny today and I was glad I got some Rhu time. Our foster child wanted to go for a walk,, so Rhu and I headed back.  I know she's not a fan of the child, so I let her go eat and grabbed up Morgie.
He rode his bike while Morgan and I chatted and watched him closely.  Morgan is absolutely the best horse, ever.  When we got back to the house, I hopped on bareback and rode around the yard guiding her with just the lead rope and leg aids.  She is love personified.
Seriously, the best horse ever.