Sunday, May 15, 2016

Much Needed Morgie Time

37 minutes - 1.80 miles - Morgan

Bill and our foster child decided to watch a John Wayne movie ... I escaped as fast as possible and ran outside with a halter and leadrope in hand.  Rhu took one look and walked away, but Morgan came right up and stuck her nose in the halter.  Well okay Morgie girl, let's go!
We had no particular destination, and with 45 minutes until the sun set, we wandered.  I turned on the music and sang out loud.  She set the pace and I guided our course.  We trotted for a while, but mostly we just walked in companionable silence.

Sometimes you don't realize how much you need alone time until you actually get some.  All the tension melted out of my shoulders in the first five minutes.  Every time I get a chance to spend time with Morgan it reminds me how awesome she is and how utterly grateful I am to have her in my life.

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