Sunday, May 15, 2016

First Lesson

We signed our foster child up for horse riding lessons and he had his first one this morning before church.  He got to select any horse in the stable and chose a large sorrel gelding named Winder.  He learned how to put on the halter, lead a horse, how to be safe around horses, grooming, and then got to spend a few minutes riding bareback with his eyes closed.
He spent most of the first 10 minutes looking to us for reassurance and wasn't listening to the instructor.  So, Bill and I left and had breakfast at the local restaurant ... the first time we got to eat a meal together alone in four months.  It was delightful!

His instructor said he did well, gave us some homework assignments, and had him thank the horse before leaving.  I like an instructor that appreciates their horse :)  

He will be taking lessons every Sunday, and Bill and I are contemplating taking our horses to the next lesson.  That way we can squeeze in a ride together for the first time since New Year's Day!

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