Sunday, May 22, 2016

Fly Mask Season is Officially Here

Bath: Majesty & Rhulain
15 minutes - 0.25 miles - Rhulain
28 minutes - 1.05 miles - Morgan
First up for a bath was Majesty.  He spent the entire grooming and bathing session with his head in the snack bucket.  Sometimes I envy Bill ... Majesty is completely unflappable and sedate.  Bill says he's too old to give a crap about anything anymore.  He did turn 33 this year.

 Next up was Rhulain.  She runs away every time the hose is turned on or moved, so I was curious how she would react.  She wasn't calm ... nostrils flaring the whole time ... but we took it slow and she held still with reassurance.
It's officially fly mask season.  Sigh.  I kissed her pretty face before it disappeared behind the mask where it will hide for the next four months.  Then I took her for a quick walk to make sure she was dry before turning her out.  
There was still some time left before I needed to start dinner, so I grabbed a ride on Morgan.  She snacked, walked, and snacked some more.  Once we turned towards home, she started to trot so I asked for more speed and she obliged.  

I groomed and put fly masks/fly spray on everyone.  Then we moved Majesty and Morgan into the mare motel.  They seemed unimpressed by the new surroundings.  Perhaps they'll appreciate it when the rain starts back up. 

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