Sunday, May 1, 2016

Perfect Way to Start May

11 minutes - 0.30 miles - Rhulain
31 minutes - 1.06 miles - Morgan
 Rhu and I took a quick walk today ... I just wanted to spend some cuddle time.  She was funny today and I was glad I got some Rhu time. Our foster child wanted to go for a walk,, so Rhu and I headed back.  I know she's not a fan of the child, so I let her go eat and grabbed up Morgie.
He rode his bike while Morgan and I chatted and watched him closely.  Morgan is absolutely the best horse, ever.  When we got back to the house, I hopped on bareback and rode around the yard guiding her with just the lead rope and leg aids.  She is love personified.
Seriously, the best horse ever.

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