Monday, May 16, 2016

A Family Walk

65 minutes - 2.30 miles - Rhulain
1.0 mile - Wasabi & Bill
1.0 mile - Majesty & Bill
I talked Bill into joining us for our evening walk. He grabbed Wasabi, our foster child, and headed toward the gate.  Rhu was excited to have company ... she even tolerated the child's presence.
After a mile, we returned home and Bill headed inside the gate.  Rhu, the child, and I continued walking for an additional mile.  We did some mild dune work to stretch our legs and to allow the child to run amok.
On our way back home I saw some foot prints that looked like Bill and a horse.  I figured he tried to find us, but as we had gone off the beaten path he went home.  Later we saw Majesty down the road.  Our foster child ran ahead to join Bill while Rhu and I worked a little in the open desert before following them home.  
Much to my surprise, Bill had placed the child on Majesty's back ... wait, what?  No one gets to ride Majesty!!

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