Sunday, October 4, 2015

Stall Time

I spent an hour and a half in the horse turn out, horse and goat stalls today.  I entered their domain, handed out carrots, then started scrubbing water buckets.  They ignored me.
Majesty's Halloween Costume ... A Headless Paint

I hauled the wheelbarrow, rake, and shovel over to the goat's stall. Wasabi immediately came in and started to gnaw on the wooden handles.  I shooed her away and began raking.  Rhulain ran to a stall the moment I pulled out the rake ... she dropped her head and stared at me intensely.  I continued working and hauled out a full load of goat droppings.  The entire time Rhu stayed in the stall watching me.

The moment I left the turn out, Wasabi ran back to the goat stall and started mouthing the shovel handle. She's a dork.  I yelled and she dropped it.  Then Morgie and Majesty waltzed in to the stall to inspect my work (or check for food).  I went and dumped the wheelbarrow contents in the flower bed then ambled back to the turn out.  
Rhu's soaking wet back and Morgie sulking in the background

I cleaned out two more stalls with Rhulain watching my every move, Morgan nibbling my shirt sleeve (looking for treats), and Sundance and Wasabi trying to flip the wheelbarrow.  I put all the tools away then went back to the turn out and offered massages, grooming, and cuddles. Wasabi was first in line, then Sundance, followed closely by Morgie. Majesty ignored me completely.  Rhu finally ventured out of the stall and came over for rubs.

Sometimes I forget how nice it is just to hang out with them.  I love watching their "conversations" through body language.  I adore that each one has their own distinct personality and needs.  I like just being near them.
Morgan searching me for treats ... Sundance's rump in the background

And then the rain started.  Poor Rhulain.  She's not a fan of water and we're expecting three days of downpour and flash flooding in some areas of the valley.  When I headed indoors, she was standing solemnly under the shelter out of the rain.  I'm sure she blames me for the water.  Maybe I can convince her it was the wheelbarrow's fault.

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