Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Missing the Girls

It's dark when I wake up and dark when I get home.  We're only able to ride on the weekends now and I've been missing my mares.  Rather than go out and feed right away, I grabbed two brushes and headed in to the turn out.

I started with Rhulain and when she figured out there was no halter in hand, no saddle pad anywhere, and no pressure to do anything she relaxed.  She tried to groom me and flattened her ears whenever Wasabi tried coming over.  It was cute.

Felt a nudge on the shoulder, so I turned my attention to my Morgie.  It was nice to spend time near her with absolutely no time constraints.  I love that she is getting her "fuzzy jammies" ... running my fingers through all that fuzz makes me happy.

Turned towards Wasabi and only got one side done before she took off.  Majesty was not up for cuddling and he walked off.  Sundance needed her mane pulled so I spent a good amount of time working on it and talking.  She's a great listener and ever so patient.

Wasabi came over as I was heading out of the turn out and asked for some time.  I was glad to provide some snuggle time, scratches, and a good brushing.  This might become an evening ritual until the time changes and I can start walking again.

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