Saturday, October 17, 2015

Bill Rides Rhu for the First Time

56 minutes - 2.44 miles - Rhulain, Bill and Majesty
20 minutes - ground work - Rhu
Waiting for kisses.  

Rhu was awfully snuggly today ... not in my space, but certainly close enough in case I wanted to kiss her sweet face.  Which I did.  Often.

I introduced her the trailer today.  Opened the back door (and the side door for safety) and let her sniff around, move closer, and eventually she put her two front hooves in with minimal coaxing.  Since it was just an experiment, I left it at that and saddled her up.
We headed out directly towards the thunderstorm.  It was miles off, so we knew we'd be safe for at least an hour.  I snapped a picture and turned to see Bill taking a picture of the horizon as well ... bet his didn't capture Rhu's marvelous ears!
Rhu lead the way initially, then rode beside Majesty for a while, finally she tucked behind and cruised along.  Bill taught her about ear rubs ... at first she seemed not to care, but after two or three sessions she was leaning in to his hand.  Great, now I'll have two spoiled horses Bill.

Bill said he thought Rhu was taller than Morgie.  I dismissed it with a "Well, she might be 14.1 hh."  When we got alongside Majesty, I realized how much higher my saddle was than his ... dang it, he's right again. Bill's guess is 15.1 hh, I'm sticking with 14.2 hh.  I'll have to drag out the measuring stick to settle this one.

Both of the horses were ready to go home ... Majesty tried opening the gate with his nose, but it was latched.  

I hopped off Rhu to latch the gate and talked Bill in to climbing in the saddle for a quick trip around the yard.  He wasn't fond of her collected lope, said it was too bouncy, but I noticed he was grinning as he rode.  I know the feeling, she has that effect on me as well.

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