Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Rhu rides solo

26 minutes - Rhulain - 1.06 miles

We took our normal walk for half a mile, let her snack on the dried grass, and then hopped in the saddle for the ride back.
  She did well, but got nervous when the neighbor's yappy dog came out of the yard.  We faced the dog and stepped forward causing the little dog ran back to it's yard.

Noticed that she responds better to leg cues and gets a bit annoyed if I use the reins first.  We'll work through that.

I asked her to stop near the monorail so I could get proof we rode ... she stood still until asked to move.  That's such a pleasure!

Where's my after ride treat? Don't hold out on me!

I had her open and shut the big metal gate today while I was in the saddle.  She figured out what I was asking rather quickly.  Very excited to see what our future rides will hold!

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