Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Storm Clouds Rolling In

25 minutes - Morgan, Bill and Wasabi - 1.02 miles

Had such a good time yesterday, we decided to repeat it today.
Morgan was very clear in letting me know she wanted to go for a walk today ... first one at the gate and shoving others out of the way.  Really Morgie girl?  Some might say your gate manners need work.

Wasabi and Bill took the lead while Morgan and I chatted and hung back.  The clouds were amazing and we discussed the pending rain and how it might affect her food.

We caught up to Bill and the girls let us take silly pictures for a few seconds before they reminded us that snacks were only .2 miles away.

At the half way point, the kids got to snack for a bit.  Bill watched the clouds while Wasabi watched to make sure we weren't coming any closer to her snacks.  Silly girl, dried grass does not look appealing to me in the slightest.

 On the way back Morg and I got in front and Wasabi got pissy.  

She picked up her pace, passed us, and this is the view I saw for the next half mile ...
Swishy tail, ears pinned, and she would move over to block us trying to pass her.  I had to laugh out loud.  She's quite a character.  As we were feeding the herd the sprinkles started to land on our arms ... made it home just in time!

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