Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Blustery Day, Great Ride

30 minutes - Rhulain, Bill & Majesty - 1.14 miles

Heading out for a walk on a blustery day ... Rhu wanted Majesty to know she gets to lead the walks.  So adorable!

So, we walked for half a mile, let them snack, and then we hopped in the saddles and wandered home.  Bill said I never stopped smiling even with the wind blowing like crazy.  

We had them trot for the first time in the open desert.  This girl can certainly cover some ground and she's so smooth!  I love that she watches where the other horse is, but doesn't need to be near them.  She's solid going out alone or with others which is a huge bonus!

Note to self: Need to put Rhu back in the bitless bridle rather than the cross under.  She stops better with the bitless.  Also, fix the stirrups ... they're uneven.

When we got back, I untacked her and let her wander around the property.  When I called her, she looked up, turned around, and came right to me.  Hugs!

Majesty, Bill, and Rhu mugging for the camera

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