36 minutes - Rhulain, Bill & Wasabi - 1.12 miles
We got home with plenty of sunshine left so we haltered our two besties and headed out for a one mile walk. Majesty was in a great mood, but Bill said he was really dragging his feet on the way back. Perhaps Maj just wanted to stay out longer Bill!
Every picture I tried to take of Majesty had Morgan in the frame ... she makes me laugh. She's more possessive of my time lately. That's ok, she's still my bestie.
Caught this picture of Wasabi seeking comfort from Bill. As soon as she heard the camera, her head came up and she put on an innocent face. Yeah, we saw you Wasabi and we know you're just a softie a heart.
Bill and the girls ... Wasabi and Rhu
Wasabi was just fine with us walking beside or behind her, but her ears flattened immediately if Rhu and I got ahead of her. Bill says she'll do well in endurance racing because she is so competitive.
Once I got Rhu's lead rope away from Bill I snapped a few quick pictures of Rhu and I. She's fun to take for a walk because she's always looking around at the scenery ... it's like she's sightseeing.
The neighbors had put out their trashcan and Rhu startled a bit when she realized it was there. I leaned on it casually and let her work out the situation. Within seconds she was stretching her neck to smell it without getting any closer. After a minute, she decided it wasn't anything to be nervous about and we circled around it and continued walking.

Rhu's hard to get a picture of because she is always so close to me
Most of the time she doesn't care where Wasabi or Bill are, which I think will translate well to long distance riding. We're comfortable together, either alone or with others. I really like this mare ... she's so different from Morgie but she suits me quite well.
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