Switched over to the bitless bridle this evening, but had to use the old reins. Sorry about that Rhu ... I'll get the good reins fixed this weekend. Promise!

We changed up their training today by hopping in the saddles just outside of the gate rather than walking a half mile beside them. No herd bound issues for either mare!
About 3 minutes in to the ride, my right stirrup fell off. Again. Seriously? Hasn't happened in 8 years but now it's happened twice in a week?! Couldn't find the buckle, so I rode without the stirrup.

Both mares were feeling good and wanted to move out quicker than a walk, but because it was 90 degrees we kept them slow and steady. No reason to overheat them.
We did some light sand dune work, faced down horse-flesh-eating-tires, an evil looking recliner someone had dumped, and jackrabbits exploding out from behind bushes. Neither horse batted an eye.
Both of them had to check out their reflections in the monorail once we got home. Bunch of divas we've got here.
Speaking of divas, here's my chicken "Pepper" taking a self portrait:
I had the cell phone out and she pecked at the camera button, not once, but twice and took this hilarious selfie. *Sigh* Chicks, they grow up so quickly now days. Next she'll want her own phone and a Facebook page.
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