Friday, January 23, 2015

Sunrise Walk

Ground work/walking for 30 minutes

I get some funny faces in the morning ... especially when I'm carrying a halter instead of feed buckets.  Wasabi was afraid the halter was for her, Majesty tried to shove his nose in my jacket (in case there were treats hidden in there), and Morgan, well, she seemed eager for our morning walk.  She looks absolutely lovely in the morning light!

After walking over the boards, we headed down our familiar road and chatted a bit.  She really didn't hold up her end of the conversation, but she did offer to share her "snack" with me.  Thanks Morgan, that looks tasty, but you need the protein more than I.  :)

The nice part of walking beside her is that I get to clean up the road we normally ride on ... this way I can be sure there is no debris or large rocks in our way when we are trotting later on.  Today we  removed a woman's high heel, three bottles, two cans, and a Christmas tree stand.  On our walk we stepped over our favorite log a few times. Always a good time!

I timed our adventure and discovered it takes us exactly 10 minutes to walk 1 mile (the end of the street).  So, we can walk down the street and back in 20 minutes, then I can hop in the saddle for a 5 minute trot to the end of the street, and then walk back to the house in 10 minutes for a cool down.

Sounds like we just set our morning routine for next week!

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