Saturday, January 10, 2015

70 Degrees in January. Really.

60 minutes - 68 degrees!
Solo Ride

Poor Morgan, she has to deal with the oddest things ... today it's a rooster photo-bombing, tomorrow, who knows?!

We saw our friend Red today while we were out ... she moved to a new house and has a new rider.  When Red saw us coming, she ran to the edge of her pen and started calling out.  Morgan called back once she realized it was her old pal.  Can't wait to go on a few trail rides with Red and her new owner!

This reminded me of Shel Silverstein's "Where the sidewalk ends" and I couldn't help but smile.  The pavement may have ended, but our fun was just about to begin.

Sometimes I think Morgan is smarter than I am ... we were  moving along at a nice pace, then I lost the trail.  I thought it was off to the right, but Morgan stayed straight and we came over a little rise to find our hoof prints from last week.  Either way would have taken us home, but her path let us hang out a little longer.

One tired and sweaty Morgan, but no rooster.  I let the other three horses out and let them wander around the yard with Morgan while I did chores.  
The three mares stuck close together, while Majesty dozed in the sun on the opposite side of the yard.  It was fun to sit and watch the herd dynamics for a bit ... also, it was a great  excuse not to scrub water buckets for a few more minutes.

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