Monday, January 19, 2015

Topline Exercises

Ground work for 30 minutes
Sticking to the plan!  Morgan and I getting ready to start our 20 minute walking exercise

To add some fun and to work on rebuilding her topline, I set up some planks for us to step over.  I was hoping this would encourage her to stretch out her neck and lift her back.  Plus, it gave us something to do for 20 minutes in the pitch black.

Making shadows and burning calories

This is the best shot I got of Morgan stretching and stepping over the planks ... we'll continue to work on it until we're both back in shape

After 20 minutes of walk/plank work, we spent an additional 10 minutes on flexing her neck on both sides.  Just wanted a refresher course for our upcoming mounting lesson.
Morgan and I hanging out

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