Saturday, January 3, 2015

Longest Solo Yet!

60 minutes - 62 degrees!
Solo Ride

Whispering in Morgan's ear: "Hey Morgie, today's going to be our best ride yet!

"Things will look the same at first, but then we'll push beyond our boundaries ....

we may find ourselves feeling all alone ...

and in uncharted territories ...

but together, we'll make it home safe and sound, and only a bit sweaty."

Morg and I took a path we had only done once before while following another rider.  We lost the trail twice, but only for a short while.  We found an open area that I knew was safe, so I let her speed up.  Then the saddle bag flew off.  I dismounted to grab it and turned to see her standing perfectly still just waiting for me.  

There were 11 quads in the sand dunes near our house, and one of them thought it would be amusing to chase Morg and I down the street towards our house.  Morg was uncomfortable, but she listened to cues and didn't take off in a panic.  I guided her to the open desert and we made it home safely.  She was absolutely awesome!

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