Thursday, January 29, 2015


This has been a week of surprises ... first Bill brought home a 66 Mustang for me and has been working on it every chance he gets to get it up and running.  Yes, I cried when I saw it in the driveway.  It makes my heart sing!
Horrible picture, but I couldn't get her face out of mine to get a good shot

Then Bill called me last night to say a long lost friend ... Smokem Mochem, also known as Red ... was in need of a home.  She is always welcome here, so I told Bill to have her brought home.
One filthy, hungry, in need of a farrier quarter horse

Last night when I went out to feed my herd and share the good news Bill's truck came rumbling down the driveway with the horse trailer in tow.
I'd forgotten how much I missed her curly locks and sweet eyes

Out stepped my red-headed beauty.  She brought her muzzle down to my cheek and breathed in quietly, then sighed.  Yes, you're home now.
Morgan looked on, but seemed uninterested

She's in need of a few groceries, a hoof trim, and a bath, but those can be remedied in no time. She was greeted warmly by Sundance ... they have known each other for 6 years.  Morgan used to follow her everywhere, but Morgie was stand-offish last night.  This morning, she was trying to lean over the rails to touch noses, so I'm sure it will be fine.
Uninterested until you say "food"

Wasabi established her position as lead mare in the herd, and Red accepted the role.  Majesty squealed and stomped and fussed on two stalls away.  This morning brought the realization that Red is in heat, which could account for Majesty's attitude.

Red will stay stalled until we can get her back up to proper weight, but it's good to look out and see her again.  Didn't realize how much I missed her until I laid eyes on her again.  Welcome home! 

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